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SPACE StyleConcept

Simona Corsellini, the creator and designer of the Space Style Concept. Born into a creative family, this talented designer has an unflagging passion for fashion and the concept of feminine beauty. In 2000 Simona founded the Space Style Concept Company and brand. All the products are designed and manufactured in Italy. The brand represents a total look catering to contemporary women who are naturall feminine and sensual, for whom age is only a detail.

SPACE StyleConcept


  1. Clothing
  2. Shoes
  3. Bags
  4. Accessories
  5. Beauty
  6. All New Arrivals
  1. Designer 1
  2. Designer 2
  3. Designer 3
  4. Designer 4
  1. S
  2. M
  3. 4
  4. L
  5. 40